Documenting a Day

Hi, this is Journal entry on how I Calculated the percentages, developing a presentation, and manipulating a database using Microsoft Office applications.

In Part One, I will tell you my journal entry about one day in my life. Describing ten tasks that I engaged in during my day. In Part Two, I will calculate the time spent on activities using the spreadsheet application Excel. On part three of my assignment, I show you a presentation application PowerPoint. The last one on this Role of Applications Reflection Essay is an assignment; I will prioritize your daily tasks as high, medium, or low using the database application Access.
To document my daily activities in my life. The applications were from Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. What are the disadvantages of each application, What is my recommend the application software that was most appropriate for documenting the information about my day, also an excellent scenario for each of this Microsoft Office application to be used.
Microsoft Office is a list of applications dedicated to different needs for the office, Business, Schools, and Home. Microsoft Word or MS Word is a processing program used primarily for creating documents such as (doc. or docx. format) letters, homework assignments, activities, tests, quizzes, and essays.
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program. That means it's used to create grids of text, numbers, and formulas specifying calculations. That's extremely valuable for many businesses, which use it to record expenditures and income, plan budgets, chart data, and succinctly present fiscal results. The main difference between MS is the functions of creating tables with the functions that can be used to find calculations quickly; average, count, a range of cells, and MS is just a word processing application.
Microsoft Access is an information management application that can help us store information for reference, reporting, and analysis. Access makes it easy to analyze large amounts of data and manage related data more efficiently than Excel.
             As I mentioned, Microsoft Office makes different an application dedicated to varying needs of us. I don’t see the advantages and disadvantages of any Microsoft Office application. The reason is that each application dedicated to a special used, either way, is your needs. If you need to make a presentation, you used Microsoft PowerPoint; It has a litter of word a litter of Excel. My point is that there are no advantages and disadvantages of each application; you use application software that is the most appropriate for your tasks.
One application That I would recommend for your journal entry is it sticky note Because you can start documenting your journal as your day goes on. You don’t need to do everything in one short.
            Yes, I know that access is way more powerful than Excel, but for the simple tasks of creating daily jobs as high, medium, or low, Excel Has that tool call Filter. Also, you can use different sheets to add your database.

I not an Access user, but I have a background in Excel. But Excel has more flexibility, while access is more rigid on how we can use it. And access is more useful than excel in one specific area. Excel only provides worksheets that are flat or non-relational. On the other hand, access offers tables that are relational at multiple levels.


Chron by Steven Melendez; Updated August 08, 2018 From

Techopedia Microsft PowerPoint From

WallSstreeetMojo Excel vs. Access 2019 › excel-vs-access


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