Network Security

This assignment is based on the importance of information system security. How important is this for a person`s PC and organizations like a hospital. Also, I am going to talk about the type of attacks called the pinging of death and how DoS attacks work. Also, I have selected two security to talk in more detail about computer viruses and email spam.
 As part of this assignment, you will see why PC systems are vulnerable to threat and that are the symptoms of a damaged PC. The last are some recommendations on how to protect your computer system or a network from each type of security breach.

            In today's Society, technology is moving speedy day by day. With all this information continually being exchanged any given day, companies, organizations, and personal users have has to stay up to today's technology as well. Network security is a big part of keeping security systems for this information in check and running on a good standard. Most of us hear world Security Systems for computer networks; we think that is it enough with the right password. Now days not only credit cards, email, and social media can be stolen. Also, companies and organizations are especially vulnerable because they have a lot of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, and VIP chart. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected. Not to mention, many companies and organizations today have an IT security department to oversee their network systems. The main job is to protect the environment and prevent information from being stolen.
            A computer has a lot of different ways to be attacked, one of the famous is ping of death.
   This command is usually used to test the status of a network is online. The attack works by sensing small data packet of 65,534 bytes, to the network resource  
The ping of death takes advantage of this and sends data packets above the maximum limit allows. TCP/IP fragmentation breaks the packets into small chunks that are sent to the server. Since the shipped data packages are more extensive than what the server can handle, the server can freeze, reboot, or crash. Another is Ping flood, also known as ICMP flood, is a command Prompt (DoS) attack in which an attacker takes down a victim’s computer by overwhelming it with ICMP echo requests, also known as pings.

            A Computer virus is one of the more commas problems is the IT industry. A PC virus is when the malicious software program is loaded into your computer without the user has no ideas of the pc been infected. We have a lot of different types of computer viruses; you can have a virus that different open windows (pop-ups), a virus to encrypt all your files. In conclusion, a virus would get to your PC to let you let them by clicking an unknown link, data, or program. That been said, it brings me to my next topic email spam. Email spam, also known as junk email, is unsolicited bulk messages sent through email. Some of these spams can be a virus.
One of the preventions for spam email is set up a filter in front of your mail server. When an email is delivered, it first must pass through the filter before reaching the spam filter. Another common form of spam protection is by setting up the screen directly in the mail server. It requires a much bigger pipeline to the mail server causing more bandwidth, and there are other problems. Spam emails cannot be bounced back in this method.

            As an IT Technician, the more significant threat of pc being vulnerable is us. Due to the fact of lack of education, knowledge of the field of the virus. A lot of us don’t put antivirus after we have one. I the area, I see a user that got a virus for email that looks like it is coming for a legit sauce like Apple Inc.
For example, they will send you an invoice saying; your apple The ID has been hacked, please update your information, went click is a web site just like the, and your do-over.
Some of the symptoms that you went to a PC are infected Is slowness, and delay in opening an app or staring at your operating system or crashing screen.

            As part of a Large organization in the Hospital IT department, I recommend the user to back up all the essential documents on an external hard drive, not only of an internal problem with the pc but also because of a virus. Do open any email that you not sure of the sender; check the sender's name ( not Windows 10 version 1803 comes with an antivirus build in or for extra protection to get an antivirus software program.     

            Cyber-security and information technology are correlated.  The reliance on our computer networks and systems makes it extremely important to install security measures to protect the data of individuals and the organization in its entirety.  Cyber attackers are consistently coming up with new ways to infiltrate our computer networks.  Technology is ever-evolving, and such our security measures should be as well.

            Jhan Nunez (IT) at New York-Presbyterian Hospital 2017 – 2019
         Technical college The importance of Information Systems Security 2019 ITI From
Comodo Security Solutions Inc 2019 from


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