Programming Languages

               I will be describing my experience building and Identify the difficulties that I encountered building a program using Scratch. How I overcame the challenges using scratch.
 I will compare my experience programming in Scratch with the participation activities in Sections 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11 of the textbooks that explored machine language, assembly language, and High-Level languages, such as Python. Also, describe the differences between the programming languages, identify which language I found most comfortable to use.
I will describe scenarios where each type of programming language would be most effective in and explain which programming language, I think, is the most popular and why.

Week 1 Assignment

             In the past, I used Abobe Flash to create web animation, using Scratch for the first time, it wasn't bad at all. Using this program, it was easy and fun;  give me a flashback to Adobe Flash 5. I have to say that I was a bit off using Scratch, may because I'm more an editor than a maker. Lucking, I saw a crash course on Scratch to be able to understand the tools.
   On the other hand, I was able to overcome the difficulties by looking at the tutoring on how to use Scratch, then by looking at some video on YouTube; I was able to understand the menu.
By using this Programming language from this exercise, I gained the main idea of programming with is how you can create your designs using a preload its program. The only thing you need is to have a sense of what you wanted to create. Also, I learn that this program made for kids that are interested in becoming a programmer. This program anyone can use if they never had experience programming.
If I have to Compare my experience programming in Scratch with the participation In activities in the section on the textbook, 2.11,2.10,2.9, and 2.8 was a lot harder than using Scratch. Trying to figure out the right code versus looking at command is a lot harder. With Scratch, it’s telling you what that command will do, in all the sections you had to know certain things before you could code it correctly. With Python, you need to know your codes before you can see want to happen.
For example if test expression:
    Body of if
    Body of else
One of The differences between the programming languages are that it gets a bit more complicated the higher-level languages you use. With machine language and assembly language, you had to use 1's and 0's to code. Machine language and assembly language also has more to do with memory and hardware. When it comes to senior-level programming, it's more of a language that uses words and characters; you also need a compiler to translate the language.
  For me, I don't have too much of experience on programming, but back in the day, I fund HTML easier because It made more sense to me at that point that putting 1's and 0's HTML is was more common sense (head body title info \body \head). Also, they were no need for any program just notepad, and you're good to go.

The programming language would be most effective, is it machine language, and assembly language are used to program the hardware of the PC, it is also an efficient code to apply to manipulate the device. Assembly language is just a bit user-friendly than machine language. With high-level programming, you can do anything.  You can create desktop Graphical User Interface applications, websites and web apps, and sites.
The programming language I think is the most popular, from all the program out there is Python, in the hospital, we use Python to create scrape. It gives you a lot of options, and you can create a lot with Python. If you want to add PowerShell to the list, I would say it depends on what you want to do. If you're going to make simple scrape to report deleted information for Active directory, it would be the most accessible program to use. Python can do a lot more, but it takes time to type out all the code and compile it and debug it to make sure it is working correctly. With PowerShell, it's more like preload its typing situation because went you start typing, the program begins giving you marching commands, for example.
 Write-Host "Hello, World!"


Note: Copyright © Parewa Labs Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
ACM Transactions on Computing Education, Vol. 10, No. 4, Article 16, Pub. date: November 2010.


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